
In coaching, you are the “boss” in our conversations.  We will discuss what you want to discuss, and not discuss what you would rather not talk about.

If you are unsure of your goals, if you like, I will help you to identify them.  Together, we will look at your life, what you would like to accomplish, at what is and is not working for you to get to your goals.

If you want, we will consider relationships in your life that affect the quality of your life.  Which are working well, and which are not.

If you are willing, we will consider the role you play, and the roles others are playing.  We can review conversations you have had, and experiment-role-play conversations that you would like to have.

These reviews and experiments can sometimes clarify what has not been clear, and open up possibilities that did not seem to exist.

Coaching is a set of tools from which you can pick the ones that work best for you.