World View

  • Humans are social beings; we cannot exist without each other
  • We create and are created by families, cultures, organizations, and institutions, including corporations and governments, and assign or accept meanings about them
  • History has us creating ever larger and hopefully, more effective institutions
  • Solving problems and creating more effective institutions is a dialectical process, both collaborative and conflictual
  • Most institutions have both collaborative and authoritarian aspects, embodied in individuals, policies, and processes
  • Unmet needs, economic decline, and large differences in status and power create distress
  • Current technology and productivity could support basic needs fulfillment for all
  • Social action is efficacious in alleviating symptoms of distress, i.e. depression and anxiety
  • Our backward political and economic systems prevent meeting everyone’s needs
  • Those in power would have us believe that change is not possible
  • There are millions of good, loving, constructive actions and interactions occurring daily
  • The road to caring  and creativity is often unblocked and we proceed
  • What blocks the road is authoritarianism, elitism, alienation, and hostility
  • The domain of democracy can be conceived to extend from the individual through organizations, institutions, and corporations, to the government